When you miss on your tax payables, the IRS sends a letter stating that you owe them money. Meaning you will receive mail from the Internal Revenue Services. Before you open that mail and receive the shock of your life, use these tips, Read The Letter The letter doesn't always have to mean bad news. It could also be an error. But, you can't ignore the letter. If you don't respond to the letter in a particular amount of time, you can be under a penalty. You may also have to pay interest on your debt. At this point, it is better to have an attorney from a Law Firm in Bethesda MD . Ask Questions Internal Revenue Services may not be the best place to find a solution, but they surely will tell you what you have done wrong. You can call and find out why and how you have defaulted. And, in this manner, you will get to the crux of the matter sooner. Rather than sending a mail and waiting for a response from them. You Should Be Aware Of Your Rights Every person has a r...